Benjamin Collard was born into artistic parentage and has been self-initiating creative projects since his memories begin. However, it was not until after 18 months of independent motorbike travel across Africa, at the age of 19, that he returned to England to begin his ever increasing focus on producing works of art. Collard’s close relationship with his brother first introduced him to digital photography where he found his feet experimenting with digitally manipulated photographic prints. After producing a number of large format conceptual artworks, Collard began to explore more classical observational practices. Consequently, after 6 years employment at the Royal Drawing School and more than 14 years of balancing observational and conceptual subjects in the digital medium, Collard began to find a way to amalgamate these two opposing practices with his first sculptural creations. Collard’s graduation from digital to sculptural work was a “long game manoeuvre” toward a medium in which he remains confident of reaching his greatest potential.